Success Stories

Your Results with Lauren Brooks :

Kathryn Encinitas, CA

“Lauren is simply amazing, as a trainer and person. When I first started kettle bells eight months ago I could not lift a bag of groceries, container of cat litter, or my six year old. I had a very painful lower back injury that no one could quite diagnose or fix (I had seen doctors and pain specialists and I tried acupuncture, massage, pain medication, ointments, physical therapy, anti-inflammatories, heat, and cold–nothing was making me feel any stronger). When I first started working out with Lauren I refused to swing a tiny 2 ½ kilo bell I was so scared of the pain in my back. Well, Lauren fixed that. She was patient but she encouraged me to try many different strengthening exercises (go deadlifts). She also helped me work through moderate pain and discomfort by facing it in carefully controlled circumstances. Lauren has amazing expertise and the uncanny skill of knowing exactly how much you are capable of doing without pushing it past the breaking point. Within a couple of months I was swinging 16 kilo bells and have graduated from there. I am so much stronger and I no longer fear the pain in my back because there is no more pain. I can lift multiple bags of groceries and the cat litter. Best of all, two weeks ago I lifted my six year old for the first time (in a year and a half) without fear. She said to me, “mommy, you can do this every day now.” And you know what, I can. Thank you Lauren, for everything. I am so grateful.”

Encinitas, CA

“Hey Lauren,
I really can’t thank you enough. I am now down 13 pounds. I can’t believe it. I feel so much better and have more energy than I ever have. I have started to wear my swimsuit again without feeling so self-conscious. I could not have done this without your help and guidance. So thanks for helping me feel better from the inside out.”

“Although I am new to kettlebells, I know one thing for certain—there is nothing like it in the world. I am an avid yogi, and an ex college basketball athlete. I used to lift heavy weights and train lots of hours. I feel as though the workouts I get from kettlebells are just as good in a very compact amount of time (and I don’t pack on muscle like I used to when weight training as a college athlete), I get very toned and strong, but I am able to keep my feminine figure. I love that I feel my glutes and legs getting stronger, even after only a few sessions. I will never stop doing yoga, but I am more than excited to incorporate kettlebells into my life, as I think it is a wonderful complement to my workout regiment. The other wonderful thing about kettlebells is that Lauren is an amazing instructor and knows exactly how to push you enough, but respect and honor your limitations and physical boundaries.”

Teacher in Solana Beach, CA

“I have always been a runner and fit. However, once I hit my late-forties, between nagging running injuries, and the fact that it was getting harder to keep off inches around my waistline I had to find something new. I decided to try kettlebell classes with Lauren. I have never felt so good about the way I look, and I get lots of compliments. The best thing about kettlebells is that you DON’T bulk up; you only get leaner, stronger and more sculpted!”


“Thanks to an amazing person named Lauren Brooks, who is also known as the Kettlebell Queen, across the world and a nutritionist… In less than 4 weeks, I am 14.5 pounds lighter and 9 inches smaller!!! She taught me how to fuel my body and I am eternally grateful!!”

Glen Carbon, IL

“I am so lucky and grateful to have found Lauren and her website. I purchased her nutrition program a little over a month ago. I have to say I was skeptical at first. I have tried almost every diet out there. Now I can say that my only regret is waiting so long to get this wonderful program. So far I am down 12 pounds, I have more energy than I ever have, and I feel so much better. Lauren is phenomenal. She has answered every email, every question, every time. Her program is very easy to follow. Thanks Lauren!!!!!!!”


“Lauren Rocks!!!
I have seen great results from taking Lauren’s Kettlebell classes and it’s fun! I have a 15 month old baby and not only have I lost all the pregnancy weight…I have lost an additional 13 lbs. I haven’t weighed this low in over 10 years. She is very attentive to my individual needs and goals. I would (and have)recommend her to anyone and everyone. The best instructor ever! Thanks Lauren!”

Everett, WA

“I highly recommend Lauren’s online training and nutritional advice to anyone interested in taking their health and fitness to the next level. Lauren provided me with easy to follow exercise and nutritional information that allowed me to bust through a slow rolling plateau that I had been plagued with for several months. Lauren’s excellent communication and knowledge made it very easy to follow her recommendations and allowed me to obtain my goals. I’m very grateful to Lauren for the enlightenment and progress I’ve made!”

San Diego, CA

“Very sensitive to my specific health issues. I have a heart condition known as Long QT syndrome and, as a result, have a defibrillator connected to my heart. I am still very physically active and working out on a regular basis means a great deal to my mental as well as physical well being. My adult son told me about his Kettlebell workouts.
Upon inquiring, I was told again and again of Lauren Brooks being one of the finest physical trainers in Southern California. Lauren happens to reside in my home town of San Diego. Today was my first Kettlebell lesson (private) with Lauren. It was truly a joyful experience. Lauren was made aware of my condition and proceeded to provide me with an extraordinary workout that was both physically invigorating and emotional and mentally inspiring.
I have trained under many workout paradigms over the years, yet the combination of the Kettlebell methodology AND Lauren’s incredible support, understanding and care has jumped her to the top of my list of Great Trainers. Thank you Lauren.
P.S. Lauren also provided my husband and me with the joy of meeting her beautiful one year old daughter.”

Solana Beach, CA Review from Yelp

“On the Edge Fitness provides an incredible workout using kettlebells, ropes, TRX, etc. I love how the class is small and outside, I received expert one on one attention and guidance from Lauren. She really knows her stuff and I learned a lot about becoming stronger. I highly reccommend her kettlebell class to anyone looking to increase their strength and have fun at the same time.”

Vacaville, CA Review from Yelp

“I heard about On The Edge Fitness through a discussion forum on from someone who was getting great results via a kettlebell DVD. After doing some research I found that Lauren Brooks of On the Edge Fitness, is a very well respected instructor who is highly recommended by the best of the best in the fitness industry. I purchased Volume 1 and the day after it arrived I bought volume 2…it was THAT good! I have utilized other kettlebell DVD’s but Lauren takes your training to a whole different level while allowing beginners to learn proper form by timing each section rather then counting reps.
Because of the teaching method and the results I’ve gotten in inches lost I have recommended On the Edge Fitness products and DVD’s to EVERYONE I know…it is simply the BEST high intensity workout available. Lauren has made herself available to answer questions and help make adjustments and recommendations on a personal level. I honestly feel that I have a friend at On the Edge Fitness even though she is 500 miles away. Oh, and I just ordered Volume 3 for myself as well as another copy of Volume 2 to send to my sister (for her birthday) who has also become an On the Edge Fitness fanatic like me!”


“1. Hey Lauren,
I really can’t thank you enough. I am now down 13 pounds. I can’t believe it. I feel so much better and have more energy than I ever have. I have started to wear my swimsuit again without feeling so self-conscious. I could not have done this without your help and guidance. So thanks for helping me feel better from the inside out.”

“Thanks to an amazing person named Lauren Brooks, who is also known as the Kettlebell Queen, across the world and a nutritionistIn less than 4 weeks, I am 14.5 pounds lighter and 9 inches smaller!!! She taught me how to fuel my body and I am eternally grateful!!”