Ultimate Body Sculpt and Conditioning with Kettlebells Volume 2

(32 customer reviews)


This is the follow-up to the Ultimate Body Sculpt and Conditioning with Kettlebells that you’ve been waiting for!

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Come workout again with Lauren Brooks as she performs some of the most intense fat burning and strengthening exercises in the world. This DVD uses some of the basic exercises from her popular Volume 1, as well as, incorporating many brand new and challenging exercises to keep your heart pounding.

If you enjoyed Volume 1, then get ready to ramp up to a whole new level with Volume 2. This DVD is perfect for intermediate and advanced kettlebellers looking for that extra edge when sculpting their desired physique.

Ultimate Body Scuplt and Conditioning with Kettlebells Volume 2 Features :

  • Over 20 dynamic Kettlebell and Body Weight exercises
  • 3 Follow Along Workouts – The Grind, The Smoker, The Finisher
  • 1 Bonus Abs Workout
  • Joint Mobility Warm Up
  • Cool Down stretching section
  • Motivating music and instruction throughout

Technical Exercises Including :

  • Turkish Get Up
  • TGU Squat Style
  • Push Press
  • Kettlebell Burpee
  • Single Kettlebell Push Ups
  • Overhead Squats
  • Tactical Lunge
  • High Pull
  • Snatch
  • Single Kettlebell Plank
  • Windmill
  • Single Leg Dead Lift

Note : you only need one kettlebell to follow along with this DVD.

The Ultimate Body Sculpt and Conditioning with Kettlebells Volume 2 was filmed only 6 months after Lauren gave birth, via C-section, to her second baby girl, who was a whopping 8 pounds 6 ounces! She was able to go through 21 hours of hard natural labor. Lauren credits the use of kettlebells throughout her pregnancy for both her mental strength in labor and her resilience in being able to bounce back into amazing shape quickly after.

Volume 2 DVD Levels : Intermediate and up.
Recommendation : Women’s Russian Kettlebell Starter Package.

Additional information

Weight 0.4000 lbs

32 reviews for Ultimate Body Sculpt and Conditioning with Kettlebells Volume 2

  1. Doria

    Lauren – my sister and I (the sister I bought a second copy of your DVD for!) want to say we don’t know how you would improve upon this new DVD. We love the strength in the Grind, the cardio aspect of the Smoker, the awesome cardio in the Finisher, and the great ab workout. Gosh! We are both advanced exercisers so our only hope is that your forthcoming DVDs are as intense as this one. Great job!!! Happy New Year!!

  2. S.D.

    Lauren, I just wanted to drop you a note to say we love your new k-bell dvd. We’ve been using your last one for the last few months, with great results, but the new one is even better. Love the Turkish Getups, especially. Thanks for the motivation.
    New York

  3. Karyn

    You did it again. This video rocks!! Thanks for keeping us mommies one step ahead in the battle of the bulge

  4. Ulrika

    Hi Lauren, Got your new DVD in the mail the other day, and tried out the smoker and the finisher yesterday, and MAN am I sore today!!!! 🙂 I loved the DVD!! Thank you!!! Keep up the great work!!! Keep the DVD’s coming!

  5. Susan

    I bought your new workout and it is amazing!!!! I started with the Grind and I was really disappointed when it ended. I thought to myself “hey, I thought this workout was 20 minutes!” Well, I looked at the clock and 20 minutes had passed! The time just flew by. The same with the Smoker. Although I was dying, the time just flew by! This is by far my favorite kettlebell workout. I like the shorter workout as opposed to the one long workout. I also like the variety of exercises. Wishing you continued success!

  6. Laural K.

    I absolutely love the new DVD! It even has my husband working out….that says a lot! Lots of variety and good core work as well as fat burning, just the ticket. Thanks for the motivation and will be looking forward to many more DVD’s in the future…just a little hint for you!

  7. Kris K.

    Kettlebells Improve Yoga Practice! “Hi Lauren, I have got to say I love your two Kettlebell DVD’s I have, they are simply the best! I have other Kettlebell workouts but since I have gotten yours I really don’t use my others anymore. There is no dread factor with your workouts. I tell my friends and my yoga students about them and how much you’re a great Kettlebell Instructor.
    Ever since I started doing Kettlebells my yoga practice has gone to the next level. I love how kettlebell training goes hand in hand with my yoga since it doesn’t shorten my muscles. I am getting my sister-in-law into kettlebell training who lives out in Temecula, CA. When I visit her in the next year we will definitely have to take one of your classes. If you ever find your way to Michigan let me know you can come to one of my yoga classes.
    Keep coming up with the incredible workouts that you put out on DVD.”
    -Kris K. – Certified Hatha/Pre-natal yoga instructor and RYT

  8. cdk

    Hi Lauren. I love your workouts. I have volumes 1 and 2. Well actually, I introduced my sister to kettlebells and she has “borrowed” my vol. 1. I love the intensity and variety of the workouts. I have been working out with kettlebells for a year now and I love the changes I see and feel in my body. I have seen major gains in strength. I just recently began doing the “finisher” with my 25lb kettlebell. I am 5’7″ and 180lbs. Thanks for all the work you put into making it easy for someone like me to learn how to use them properly. I wish you well.
    Calumet City, IL

  9. Jaime F

    Lauren’s kettlebell DVD “Ultimate Body Sculpt and Conditioning with Kettlebells Volume 2” is dynamic, challenging, motivating and fun! As a devoted kettlebeller for 4 years, I think this DVD and Lauren’s first contain some of the best kettlebell workouts I have found. Lauren has a natural knack for workout program development, as clearly demonstrated in her DVDs. It is clear that she has a deep knowledge of the human body and physical fitness and knows how to develop workouts that are not only fun but also help you burn fat and build muscle like no other workout available. On this DVD, I really like the Smoker for its invigorating cardiovascular workout, the Finisher for its intensity and ability to push you to your limits and make you feel really accomplished for completing it, and the Ab Workout because it really builds abdominal strength and is a refreshing change from traditional ab isolating workouts. Great work Lauren, I am a devoted fan of your DVDs and can’t wait for the next one to come out! Working out with you via DVD is the next best thing to your amazing in person training sessions.

  10. Annie R

    Hi Lauren,
    I had initially purchased your Volume 1 DVD and now I have added Volume 2 to my collection. I am currently doing your suggested weekly
    workout plan religiously every week. This has been working brilliantly for me and I’ve achieved exactly what I want and more from following this routine, I have also tweaked my eating habits and have used some suggestions on articles you have written on the fat loss regime.
    With the combination of the workout routines and the diet I have
    become leaner and toned, so I would like to take this opportunity
    to thank you for all your suggestions and help, without sounding too
    outlandish here, but speaking truly from the heart, you are truly an
    inspiration to me and are my hero, I admire you so much as previously
    said in my last email I too am a mother of two boys and I have great
    admiration for what you have done and achieved for all mothers out
    Keep up the great work with bringing us so many great workout DVD’s.
    A truly greatful fan.
    Northern Ireland (U.K.)

  11. Michelle J.

    I have purchased your “The Ultimate Body Sculpt and Conditioning w/ KB Volume 1 & 2” about a month ago. I must say that I am so excited to workout everyday with your dvds! It is the first time I’ve tried using Kettlebells and I absolutely love the physical and conditioning results I am getting out of my workouts. I am athletic – I lift regularly, been involved is martial arts for the past 18 years and now boxing and kickboxing. But I needed something a bit different and more “aggressive” than just lifting weights, and something I can accomplish in a shorter amount of time – I have 2 little ones and it’s a challenge to get in the workouts in my daily schedule.
    Thanks so much for your awesome dvds!

  12. Mary Anne

    I’m an avid fan of your DVD. After trying and buying many kettlebell DVD’s yours is the one that usually makes it into my DVD player. The workout is effective and fun. And you are such a great motivator.

  13. John

    Recently I joined my wife for a workout following your dvd and was thoroughly impressed with the quality of the exercise! I am not a mixed martial artist or an elite military operative, I am just a reasonably fit 30 something guy interested in improving my fitness while being challenged along the way and your instruction provides this. In a world of extremism in exercise (much of it seemingly targeting my demographic) it is great to know that I can invest in a challenging workout without the fear of impending failure – well done!

  14. Tracy Thorne

    Hello Lauren,
    I just wanted to say thank you! I started using kettlebells with Pavel’s book From Russia with Tough Love and then started using your videos. I’ve been working out with The Ultimate Body Sculpt Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 and I am having fantastic results! I was very sorry to hear about your knee (I’m reading your blog too). I wish you all the best.
    P.S. You have beautiful girls!

  15. Nicole E.

    I have been doing your dvd’s since the beginning of June. I LOVE IT!!!! I never get bored of doing it, I enjoy doing it, I’m so much stronger (when I first started I could only do every single exercise with 4kg), my cardio endurance has dramatically improved and I feel happier. I currently workout about 3-4 times and week and alternate between the 2 dvd’s depending on how I’m feeling for the day. With the first dvd, I can do both the 12 minute and 40 minute workouts with a 12kg bell.
    Thank you again, you’re awesome!

  16. Sue W

    I became interested in Kettlebells this past fall and with the help of the internet I found your site. I hired a RKC trainer (Yes, there is one in my remote Midwest area!) for a few sessions to familiarize myself with Kettlebell moves and ordered your DVD’s Volume 1, 2 and the Workshop DVD. I now workout with you several times per week and love it! The workouts on the DVD’s are fun but tough and the instruction on all of them is the best! Thanks so much for putting out a great product! I’m really looking forward to Volume 3!

  17. Faith S

    I just wanted to say thank you and let you know how much I enjoyed both of these DVDs. I was introduced to kettlebells through a bootcamp in June of 2010 I went to three sessions and it was cancelled but I wanted to continue my training. I found Vol 1 on Amazon tried it out and loved it and ordered Vol 2. Your DVDs were very instrumental (along with healthy diet) in helping me lose 20 lbs in less than 3 months and for starting my love affair with kettlebells. I got my HKC in October and am looking to become a RKC sometime next year. I got my TRX yesterday in anticipation of Vol 3…I know it is going to be great!!!!
    P.S. I really LOVE your music soundtracks they are by far the best I have heard on any workout DVDs.

  18. Shannon K

    Lauren, I purchased your UBSC vol 2, and loved it. About two weeks
    later, I purchased vol 1. I love the 12 minute fat blaster due to its
    short duration and variety of exercises. Your kettlebell DVD’s are my go to DVD’s for a great kettlebell workout, or any other workout for that
    matter. My husband has been watching me and has finally gotten the
    kettlebell bug. He thought they looked “dangerous and weird”, until I
    told him to watch your DVD and find out why I like them so much. He now regularly incorporates kettlebells into his workout routine, along with your DVD’s.
    I’ve been patiently waiting for your third DVD. When I saw your ad for it
    in your Thanksgiving e-mail, I saw that it incorporates suspension
    training. I was a bit disappointed as I don’t have a suspension trainer
    and didn’t want to spend a lot of money for one. However, I think I may
    get my husband to make one for me and I’ll be good to go. Can’t wait for your third DVD to come out. I’m not even asking for it as a gift, I just
    want it as soon as possible. I love your calm, cool, temperament. I
    especially love how petite you are, as I am about your size at 5’4″,
    ranging between 108 – 114 pounds. I’ve seen your Utube video doing a 53-pound TGU, you rock!! That’s my goal!!

  19. Evelyn

    I have both your UBSC Vol1 & 2. Am eagerly awaiting your new release.
    By the way your Holiday workout posted on your blog 24th Nov – has been a real life saver as I’ve been time poor lately!! Really enjoy the combination of jump ropes with kettlebells!

  20. Gina W

    Hi! I have both of your workout DVD’s and I’m really excited for the next one to come out using the TRX equipment (I have the TRX system and don’t use it, so I’m sure your next DVD will change all of that). Your workouts are challenging and I appreciate that you incorporate comments about the proper body alignment and movement for the exercises. I’m completely sold on the benefits of kettlebells. There is a big difference in my muscle tone and strength since I started doing kettlebells about 4 months ago. I coach floor hockey for Special Olympics, which requires alot of explosive running on the floor to help my athletes. I was only doing distance running before I discovered kettlebells and I was really winded and tired when I would play floor hockey. However, after incorporating the interval training from the kettlebell workouts, I’m not very winded anymore and there is a huge difference in my explosive strength as I run back and forth on the floor. I attribute this to kettlebells since that’s the only thing I changed.
    I just purchased two heavier bells to make the workouts more challenging (a 25 and a 35 pounder) and I’ve been doing double kettlebell workouts with 20’s for about a month now. My 15 year old athletic daughter laughed at me and thought the workouts would be a piece of cake until she tried to show me up (and failed miserably – she couldn’t even finish a full workout with a single 20 – hee hee hee). She has a new respect now for her relic-45-year-old-mother. My next goal is to become motivated to lay off the chocolate and sugar to get that extra layer of fluff off! Any suggestions for that? 🙂
    Thank you for your excellent instruction on those DVD’s and I hope you keep them coming!

  21. Krystal W

    I own several kettlebell workout dvds, but I have to say that UBSC 2 is by far my absolute favorite! It is top-notch, from the music, to the cuing and the instruction, to the variety and intensity of exercises. I never get bored with this one!
    One of my favorite things about the workouts is that they are segmented. That way, when I’m short on time, I can do either The Grind or The Smoker w/The Finisher. And when I have a lot of time (and I’m feeling brave!), I can do The Grind and The Smoker w/The Finisher. The bonus Killer Abs section is great, too. I can add it on when I’m craving an even more intense core workout.
    I love the challenge of the intensity of these workouts, especially the Smoker w/The Finisher. I also love that Lauren didn’t hold back, but instead made these workouts tough, to enhance not only my physical fitness, but my mental fitness, as well. And it’s easy for me to adjust the intensity of the workouts to my energy level by just increasing/decreasing the weight of the kettlebell.
    I also find Lauren’s cuing, demeanor, and professionalism to be excellent in every aspect on this dvd. Her style of teaching is personable and endearing, not intimidating at all.
    I have already recommended Lauren’s products to others, and will continue to do so. I am very eager for the release of the next dvd! (HINT, HINT!!!)
    Lauren, you have my continued love, support, and appreciation for all the good that you’re putting out into the world!!! =)

  22. Christine N

    I have all of your DVDs (except the Baby Bells), and absolutely LOVE them. I have some other Kettlebell dvds that are collecting dust. Not yours. My sister and I do them at least 3 times a week. Can not wait for the next one to come out.

  23. Paddy

    I have both vol. 1 & 2. I have only been doing kettlebells for four weeks and I see major results. I’ve worked out with dumbbells for years and didn’t get the results I got in just four weeks. I love your dvds. I keep humming the music to your vol. 1 dvd and would like to know where I can purchase the music.

  24. Virginia

    Hope you don’t mind, but I’m actually providing feedback on behalf of my 55yo husband. 🙂 Yours are the only – and I mean ONLY – workout dvds he will do. He loves the 20-30min format and alternates workouts from Vols 1 and 2 about 3x a week. He’s always been lean but has made great strength gains. Boy does he sweat, lol! He relies solely on kettlebells using your videos plus bike riding to keep him healthy, fit and sane. 🙂

  25. Tracy

    Hi Lauren just wanted to say how much I enjoy your workouts and what they have done for me. Your Vol. 1 was hands down my favorite until I got Vol. 2. I love it, especially the Smoker w/ Finisher. I love the fact that I can do a quick tough workout that produces results in less than 30 minutes. I do have a TRX so I am excited to see what Vol. 3 will bring.

  26. Amma

    Your DVDs have changed my body, especially my legs! I used to have the hardest time finding jeans that fit over my thighs, so I just gave up wearing them. This year, for the first time in years, I went jean shopping and found two pairs of jeans that fit! And, I didn’t even have to spend all day in a dressing room trying on 1000 pairs.
    I used to be afraid of “bulking up” if I used heavy weight, but the exact opposite happened using your DVDs. My legs, which used to be my trouble area, have slimmed down and now have great definition. I just love what you and your DVDs have done for me. I’m eagerly anticipating your next DVD!

  27. Kristy

    I am fairly new to kettlebells and as of just a couple of months ago began using your Volume 2 kettlebell DVD to take me to that next level. I am 25 years old and just less than a year ago had my second baby in which I gained over 60 lbs. It honestly was not until I began using your DVD religiously, that I began seeing some serious results. I now have sculpted arms, and my newly skinny butt fits into my jeans from high school…what an accomplishment!
    I just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping to whip this young mom back into shape and finally feeling confident again. I feel so powerful when using kettlebells and you have a new found fan for life! I also appreciate your straightforward approach when instructing! When I can afford a new DVD purchase I hope to move on to your Volume 3 DVD. Thanks again and keep up the great work!

  28. Rhonda S

    I have your Volumes 1, 2 and 3 as well as the Workshop DVD and I love them. I am currently doing Volume 1 & 2 workouts. I also have the Goddess Workout DVD and From Russia With Tough Love that I don’t use.
    I think your DVDs are the best and enjoy working out with you in my workout room and seeing great results.
    Bless you for all your hard work, positivity and effort to make these DVDs.
    Anchorage, Alaska

  29. Eloise K

    Firstly I would like to say that you are honestly my Queenly inspiration!
    When I started out with the 4-kg kettlebell my hubby bought me as a gift I could hardly work with it 🙂 it was tooooo heavy, can you believe it. My little chicken arms could not deal with it. Now after just 5 months of your Volume 2 DVD I am pressing 14-kg’s and looking better than ever! My goal is to press the 16kg by the end of this year and the 24kg by the end of next year… What has been tremendous as well has been how my body has balanced out. I have always had a small upper body and big bum, but this is starting to change!
    South Africa

  30. Genevieve Koesling

    A couple of years, I religiously attended Lauren’s classes. I became incredibly strong physically. It also helped me relieve an amazing amount of stress being the mom of three boys ages three and under. I had to give up attending her classes but I am ecstatic about using her new online workouts. My favorite part is I can turn on my favorite music (really loud) via Pandora while working out with Lauren in the privacy of my own backyard.

  31. Nicole C

    I don’t usually like sequels, but Lauren Brooks’ second kettlebell DVD is an exception to the rule. Like the first volume of her three-part DVD series, The Ultimate Body Sculpt and Conditioning With Kettlebells, Volume 2 is another source of effective, challenging exercises, and one that should belong to your library if you are looking for at-home kettlebell workouts.
    What really impressed me about Volume 2, however, was the way that it flows so organically from Volume 1. Nerd that I am, I was very careful to get comfortable with Volume 1 before I went on to Volume 2, and I’m glad that I did. Just when I thought I had gotten this kettlebell thing down, Lauren threw in some new and exciting exercises to mix things up, including three of my favorite kettlebell exercises ever:
    *The Turkish Get Up: Lauren uses get ups throughout the video. This video was my introduction to the get up, as well as the TGU Squat Style.
    *The Overhead Squat: It wasn’t my first time doing an overhead squat, but it was the first time with a kettlebell, and I was amazed at how different it was. Lauren uses a lot of overhead squats during the second workout, aptly called “The Smoker.”
    *The Snatch: Lauren provides really solid instruction on how to execute the snatch properly. She uses snatches in the short workout called “The Finisher,” which is a great way to end any kettlebell workout.
    These aren’t the only exercises Lauren introduces in Volume 2. Here are the other exercises that she demonstrates:
    Kettlebell Diamond Pushups
    Kettlebell Diamond Burpees
    Single Leg Deadlift
    High Pull
    Tactical Lunges
    Push Press
    Single Kettlebell Plank
    Lauren also includes a short Bonus Ab Workout. This is another one of Lauren’s workouts that I have committed to memory because it’s so simple yet effective. This workout also has a special place in my heart because it was one of the first challenging ab workouts I was able to do after having a c-section with complications last year. When I first started, I could only do the exercises unweighted, and it was great to slowly progress until I could do them with a heavier bell.
    This brings me to another bonus about the DVD: although the cover says it’s an intermediate/advanced workout, it’s also suitable for beginners who want a challenge. If you’ve mastered the exercises in Volume 1 but can only do them with a lighter kettlebell, don’t be afraid to move on to Volume 2. Although a lot of the exercises are more difficult on a technical level, they can be easily scaled down by using a lighter bell, or even doing them unweighted, like I did when I first started the ab workouts. That being said, Lauren did choose some more challenging exercises than those presented in Volume 1.
    Like in the first volume, Lauren provides good cues throughout and encourages you to challenge yourself without compromising technique or being overly flashy. I always find myself thinking during these workouts: “Hmmm, Lauren Brooks only lives about seven hours away from me. Maybe I could drive out for a weekend training session.” Must be a good workout.
    In The Ultimate Body Sculpt and Conditioning With Kettlebell, Volume 2, Lauren Brooks takes the foundation she laid in Volume 1 and builds on it. You know that saying from Girl Scouts, “Make new friends but keep the old”? Think of the kettlebell swing as the old and the snatch as the new. Lauren introduces you to the new without dismissing the old, and that’s what makes this DVD a rare example of a good sequel.
    -Nicole C
    Breaking Muscle Magazine

  32. Jacquie

    Amazing. I alternate each day with the grind and the smoker w/ finisher. You’ll create your own system when you know the workouts. The smoker w/ finisher is NO joke but you will feel amazing after doing it and its only 20 minutes. Thanks Lauren!

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